Purpose of Chain Rotators is rotating and positioning pieces with planar section. Required welding edge can be created by realizing positioning according to the rotated part on an endless chain. It is possible to adjust the height of the piece placed on the machine. This provides convenience to the operator during welding.
The product comprises of housing, chain drive systems, electrical panel and remote controlled operator unit and provides the best structural protection.
Operators can rotate the pieces mounted on the chain clockwise or counterclockwise, precisely, well-aligned and easily. They can also be moved downward – upward to provide the desired height. Chain rotator set comprises of 2 driven units. Number of units can be increased according to the application and weight conditions.
Both of the units which constitute the chain rotator set are driven and these two unit can be operated in synchronization or independently. Thus, angular height adjustment of the work piece is enabled.
Akyapak Makine includes 6 to 12 tons chain rotators in its standard lists. However, custom production can be realized up to 20 tons.